Impact of the Rhine River on Dusseldorf and Cologne

Experience in Dusseldorf
      Today I explored the city of Dusseldorf with Max. As I stated in an earlier post, I had originally intended on attending a chemistry lab he had but there was an issue with a security clearance. I still had plenty of other plans for the city, however I was disappointed when this fell through. So to make up for the missed opportunity, I went to the TV tower, which is also an observation tower, for the time Max was in class. The building towers over the city and the Rhine. The walk to the tower mainly involved walking along the river. I was taken away by the beauty of both the river and the area alongside it. It was covered with beautiful restaurants, sculptures, and gardens. Everywhere I looked people were walking or riding bikes along the paths. After about 30 minutes I reached the tower and took an elevator ride up all 50 stories to reach the top. What an amazing view it was. From the top you could see in all direction s from the glass windows, and even spot the skylines of nearby cities! I found the most astonishing aspect of the view to be the Gehry Buildings of the Dusseldrof Harbor. These buildings were built on top of an out of use port in order to bring a purpose back to the area. Mr. Frank Gehry designed the buildings to bring life back to the city and represent unison. They are now considered by some to be the city's most noticeable landmarks.

Impact of the Rhine River on Dusseldorf and Cologne

The Rhine River region has been steadily growing and expanding from Roman times through the age of Napoleon and into the modern era. The river has been a staple in German history contributing to the success of the plethora of civilizations which settled in this area. The economic growth and expansion of the area slowed down leading up to the 20th century but rapidly expanded in necessity and profit building up to, during and after World War One. This was due to the increased needs to transfer of goods from the rapid industrialization the country transitioned to in order to fuel its war machine. The port experienced even more usage leading into World War Two. During the war, almost every part of the ports and factories along the river were destroyed. Companies had nowhere to turn due to the decimation. What saved the Rhine river ports was the rise of motorboats and rebuilding process the city underwent. Ports once again were fully operational and could process goods at even higher speeds with motor engines. In the coming century the need and use of the ports declined as land transportation increased through trucking among other methods. To adapt, the country turned to recreational and business uses. Today, one of the ports which once took in and carried out goods is used as a sport boat dock where private owners store and use their water craft. Another port was transformed into a modern day business complex. The business complexes are designed as modern art and several road and walking bridges were added. The areas up and down the banks of the River are decorated with gorgeous walking paths surrounded by restaurants, art, and gardens. A TV and observation tower attracts tourists to have a drink at their café or night club alongside a magnificent view of the city and river from 50 stories above the ground. And every 30 minutes or so once can see a boat traveling the river full of passengers intently listening to a guided tour. Although the Rhine River port and docks are not what they once were, their transformation into a hybrid business and recreation-commercial usage continues to bring in wealth and uphold the importance of the area.

Former port on the Rhine now home to a business complex with buildings designed to portray modern art

Schiffart Museum - Holds exhibits highlighting the history of the Rhine

Highlight of the Rhine River and major cities built next to the river

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